Because if it would, you probably shouldn't live here. When we moved from Washington, DC in 2002, this would have made us nuts. Now it's just, ah whatever. This is Nuevo Mexico.
Four precincts and 16,871 provisional ballots remained uncounted after a night of problems for New Mexico's Democratic caucus, leaving ours as the one undecided state from Super Tuesday.
With 181 of 184 precincts reporting, Hillary Clinton led early Wednesday morning with 65,845 votes--only 117 votes against Barack Obama's 65,728 tally.
Still outstanding are votes from three polling sites in Rio Arriba County, which includes Chama and Espanola. If you live in the state, you might at this point roll your eyes and say, "Ohh. Right." Democratic party officials said they cannot reach the Rio Arriba County Chair for the returns. Also outstanding are votes from the Sandoval County site of Our Lady of Sorrows Church in the town of Bernalillo. Bernalillo is where complete chaos was unleashed yesterday and many voters gave up after waiting hours to vote. Officials said they were having difficulty deciphering votes from that location. I'LL BET.
Still outstanding are votes from three polling sites in Rio Arriba County, which includes Chama and Espanola. If you live in the state, you might at this point roll your eyes and say, "Ohh. Right." Democratic party officials said they cannot reach the Rio Arriba County Chair for the returns. Also outstanding are votes from the Sandoval County site of Our Lady of Sorrows Church in the town of Bernalillo. Bernalillo is where complete chaos was unleashed yesterday and many voters gave up after waiting hours to vote. Officials said they were having difficulty deciphering votes from that location. I'LL BET.
There are also 16,871 outstanding provisional ballots that were cast at caucus sites Tuesday but need to be qualified before they are counted. Provisional ballots can occur when people vote somewhere that is not their official caucus site. Because of the long lines in some polling sites, voters went to alternative sites and cast provisional ballots.
The provisional ballots have begun to be counted as of 9:00 a.m. this morning, twenty minutes ago. He also said officials would work to resolve the outstanding Rio Arriba County ballots.
Well, lookit. Our state slogan is Carpe manana, so chill. Which maybe is easy for me to say because at the very crowded and seemingly chaotic Eldorado Elementary polling station, it only took us fifteen minutes to cast our votes.